Friday Focus :: Choose Your Own

{image repost from @thesacredartsexperience on Instagram}

{image repost from @thesacredartsexperience on Instagram}

This weekend's mantra is a "choose your own adventure" of sorts.

Every summer, my mom would take us to the library and let us pick out a big stack of books.  I remember reading those Choose Your Own Adventure young adult books as a kid and trying to find a method to reading every possible story option. Just picking one version of the story all the way through to the end didn't work for me. I folded pages and used bookmarks to mark all the forks in the road and all the places of choice, so I could make my way back and see the journey of the other options. Does this resonate for you? 


Sometimes when I come up across a big decision or a moment of fuzzy thinking, it's easy to consult others, my oracle cards, instagram quotes, and only when I've done all the pros and cons list of rational thinking, do I find myself getting quiet or walking in nature or doing a little breathwork to find my answer and my clarity within my body's intuition. 


So I thought today would be a good time as we move into a new month to practice and remember that we know ourselves and our bodies the best. We've lived in and with our bodies and our perspectives and our experiences for our entire life.  

We can consult and get support from doctors, coaches, healers, therapists and they are important people to have on our team. At the end of the day, we are the ones that have to do the heavy lifting of the healing work. It's OUR boots on the ground that creates progress. Our willingness to get vulnerable, to feel our emotions, to tend to ourselves with love and self care.  It's OUR CHOICE to pick which path on the adventure that we take.  

So feeling into your body and your energy, where do you feel you need a little focus and attention? Where in your being needs a little awareness and a little care? 

Let your inner wisdom guide you to the mantra that wants to work with you.  If you are familiar with your chakras and know which one needs a little balancing and opening, you can also use that as your guide.  Otherwise, feel into which one resonates most for you and go with that (there's no right or wrong answer!). 

I AM DIVINE. {crown}
I AM CONNECTED. {6th chakra}
I AM LOVED. {heart}
I AM STRONG. {solar plexus}
I AM CREATIVE. {sacral}
I AM SAFE. {root}

{and if you're like my childhood self, maybe you choose all of them!  That's okay too!}

Take a deep inhale and exhale.

Feel into your body, feeling your feet on the floor and the crown of your head lengthening upward. 

Choose your mantra and say it to yourself.

Sometime things resonate with us for a cycle, a day, an hour, a year, a decade. Let this mantra guide you for as long as you need.  Feel free to come back to this list whenever you need a short, simple way to connect with a certain part of yourself.  You know you best.  xo!

New Moon Message :: Unfolding

Card featured in image from The Moon Deck.  

Card featured in image from The Moon Deck.  

Happy May New Moon!

One of the energy healing modalities I work with is called Esoteric Healing, where I work off the body of my client using my hands and inner perception to check in with and bring to balance the flow in my client's energy, finding what is stuck in the field, and holding space for all the pieces in the chakra systems to come to harmony.  (Had you told me ten years ago that I'd be able to sensitize my focus in order to feel the energy of someone's adrenals in the palms of my hands, I would've said you crazy!)  I love this modality because it allows me to tap into intuitive guidance from the body, emotions, and energy of those I work with.  

A couple of weeks ago, I had a session with a client whose fallopian tubes felt pulled tight like a taut bungie chord, which was not a usual sensation from this particular client in the past.  Tuning into this energy in her body, I heard this message for my client: "Everything you are creating is unfolding in perfect timing."

The fallopian tubes are part of a female's reproductive system within the sacral chakra, which is connected to our creativity and our ability to physically manifest our desires into the world.  

Especially in this season of spring when the world is ripe for planting, this message is important for all of us.  I know I am really, really good at living in the future within my mind.  I see what I want and how it looks at the end of the road, but find myself incredibly impatient when I'm not there yet! 

The nature of a seed is to grow.  Given the right conditions, that's what it does naturally.  With the right amount of water, sunshine, nourishment, it will do what it is made to do... push up through the earth against gravity, sprout, and bloom.

However, what it DOESN'T need is us to dig it up every so often to check in on it to see if it is growing.  It is.  We can trust that process.  

Same with our creative projects or the things we are manifesting in our lives.  There's a creative process.  A journey.  Just like the moon cycle and the seasons, there is a timing to creation.  An unfolding.  

(Of course, the opposite is always true and there are some seeds and dreams that DON'T grow.  We still experience TIMING and this kind of timing allows us to experience loss, the waning cycle, and the dying process, but that's another topic for another blog.)

So, now with this new moon, we get to plant our desires and give them nourishment in the form of actions and support.  Then, rather than forcing things and having tight bungie chord energy in our systems, we get to TRUST and leave space for DIVINE TIMING.  We get to have patience and embrace the journey and the process.  We get to chose to live in the moment.     

Easier said than done sometimes, but here's a mantra to use when you need (I know I do!): 

Take a deep inhale and exhale.

Feel into the power in your pelvis and your creative center.



With today's new moon, take a few minutes to tune into what intentions you'd like to set during the last new moon of spring.  Write it in your journal, share it with a friend or loved one, whisper it to the night sky, tell the earth's soil, or send a note to me so I can hold it with you.  Then, with a deep breath, allow the journey to unfold in perfect timing, feeling into the emotions and sensations every step of the way.



**June and July dates have been opened up in my online scheduler, if you'd like to book an Esoteric, Reiki, or Breathwork one-on-one session.  Sessions can be done in person or via phone/skype (and available for the loves who live far away!).  xo! 

Midweek Mantra :: Nourish

As a holistic health coach and a nutrition nerd (I love reading and discussing all things health!), this is one of my favorite times of year: the return of abundance at the Farmer's Markets.  

Not only are there more options available in terms of fruits and veggies both in the store, garden,  and locally from the farm, but there are more little farm stands and markets that open up, giving us more opportunities to purchase delicious, fresh, and ripe food right from the source.  

And the thing I've discovered for myself in my years of pursuing healing is that eating high quality food is one of the best forms of self care for our bodies.  

Purchasing organic when you can, buying the best coffee, or savoring the gourmet chocolate are actions that tell you "I am worth it!" 

And the awesome side effect is it makes us healthier, gives us more energy, and provides everyday pleasures with each meal and each sip.  

"Nutrients" also applies to more than just food.  It could be quality entertainment, quality conversation, quality thoughts.  Upleveling your environment in an act of self-care.  So pull this mantra out of your pocket whenever you need a reminder that you crave quality because you are worth it.  

Take a deep inhale and exhale.

Feel into your beautiful body temple.


(Or insert your area of focus: I NOURISH MY BODY WITH QUALITY _______.) 

Use this mantra especially when you're having an indecisive moment in the grocery store, before you eat, as you cook your decadent meal, when you are savoring a treat.  Say this to yourself when you are planning your weekend, date night, or find yourself with a free chunk of time.  What kind of QUALITY are you going to NOURISH yourself with?? 

If you're needing a little support from a health coach about how to make changes to your nutrition, emotional health, or lifestyle, I'm your gal!  


Monday Mantra :: Expansion

Hooray, hooray it's finally May!

Do you feel it?  

The change in the air.  

The new beginnings.  The shifts.  The anticipation just before the action.  The bursting forth.  The growth spurt.  The restlessness and the resistance.  

The opportunity to say yes to the things that jive with you and the chances to say no to the old you.  

We are in a period of expansion and how does that feel for you??  
Where in your life is there an aching to be bigger?  An urge to do something differently?  Where has there been an ending?  Are there nudges pulling or pushing you in a certain direction, perhaps even out of your comfort zone?  

This week's mantra invites us to bring awareness to our expansion and our growth.  Where awareness grows, energy flows... so we get to notice and name how that feels for us.  By shining a light, we get to expand with all the human realness that comes with it, rather than allowing "unawareness" to become a piece of the resistance or self-sabatogue we could be known for.  

It's a full moon on Wednesday, so this is the perfect time to take inspiration from the full, bright, and beautiful moon.  Feel, stretch, and grow into fullness.

Take a deep inhale and exhale.

Feel the breath expand and contract your rib cage and your lungs.

Say to yourself: I am expanding.  

This is particularly helpful at the beginning of the day or when you are approaching something that feels difficult.  Just take notice.  Feel it to heal it.  Then ground down into your roots and allow yourself to take up glorious space!

This week's mantra :: I AM EXPANDING.  


**Twin Cities Loves!  In following the theme of expansion, I've added another breathwork circle to each month... this time at a space in Minneapolis.  This gives us a chance to come together in community on both the second and fourth Friday of every month to give ourselves some sweet time for breathing and inner emotional work.  I would love to have you whenever you make it!