Bubbling Birthday Blessings

It's my birthday week!  And I have to tell you, no matter how much older I am turning, I LOVE my birthday.


There's just something about that day that feels special no matter how ordinary my schedule is for that day and, the minute I open my eyes in the morning on the 14th of December, I feel such a deep, profound gratitude and giddiness to be alive.  

Maybe this love started when, as a kid growing up, my parents would always decorate the kitchen and put out the red "You are Special" plate at the head of the kitchen table for our birthdays.  There would be streamers strung from each corner of the room, a new table cloth,  and our chair would be all dolled up to match.  Even without the trappings of presents and crepe paper and ribbons, I still to this day feel this sense of anticipation upon waking... anticipation that it's my sparkling, glittering, bubbling day to be special.  (Of course, we are special and important EVERY day of our lives, but it's fun to have a particular day to really receive and celebrate that!)   

Ever since starting my own healing practice, I've always wanted to do this, but it never really worked out or it wasn't the right time.  This year, however, is the year!: 

So in honor of my birthday, this week all hour long healing sessions (in person or long distance) can be purchased for $20 off and scheduled sometime from now until the end of March.  I also offer a package of 3 healing sessions for those who want to have more regular self-care/healing work in their life or want to share the healing vibes with a session for a friend as well as themselves. 

Birthday Sessions Special Sale-3.jpg


Energetic and emotional healing work has truly changed my life for the better in so many ways and it is such an honor to be able to share the tools I've studied and practiced on myself.  If you feel called to do some inner work so your outer life can feel more easeful, full, and vibrant, it would be my pleasure to go on that journey with you. 

And thank you for being here!  One of my joys in this life is to write and having you here to read my words is something I feel such gratitude for.  As I celebrate myself, reflect on the past year,  and dream of all the magic in my next year to come, I send deep and gracious love from my tender heart to yours!  

Exciting Tidbits and Gratitude Lists

Last week I had a phone date with a girlfriend who lives miles away and, since we haven't talked in several months, we were catching each other up on life.  Speaking out loud all of the things that have been going on for me lately, I realized I am in this really beautiful (and sometimes exhausting!) harvest time.   

For years, I've been planting little seeds for my desires.  Some of the earlier seeds were pretty broad and vague ("I want to make good money doing what I love...").  The more I did the inner work around my patterns, beliefs, values, self-love, worth, and receiving, the more clear my seeds have become and the more I am allowing inspiration to come through my action.  

All of this waxing poetic to say: I have some really exciting things happening in my life that I want to share! (haha!)

I've found a home for my one-on-one sessions!

It feels really amazing to say that I have a community of healers to be part of as I've been looking for a place to land my healing practice for a time ever since I moved to MN from NY.  I've joined on with an awesome team of practitioners at a lovely space in the Lyn-Lake area Minneapolis.  So if you've been curious about breathwork or energy healing or meditation or intuitive guidance, I have a home space for you to come visit me!

To celebrate this new nest, I'm offering Sunday Reiki Mini-Sessions: 30 minute gentle hands-on session at a discounted rate - perfect for those who've never experienced a reiki session before, those who need a little energy tune-up, or those who are on a budget. Reiki is a relaxing, restorative way to spend a Sunday!  $25 for 30 minutes on a Sunday, because everyone deserves to have some self-care in their lives!  

Save the Date!

Starting January 17th, 2018, I'm partnering up with Core Studio in St. Paul to coach a 12 week Health and Wellness program.  We'll meet once a week from 7pm - 8pm for 12 weeks to help you achieve the healthy vibes and healing vitality you are looking for in the new year by focusing on habits and lifestyle changes.  More information here, if you're interested.  

Moon Manifesting Breathwork Meditation

And if you're looking for ways to harvest your own good things in your life, keep your eyes peeled.  I'm creating a 5 week breathwork class that follows the moon phases for optimum manifesting of your new years intentions and best life dreams.  We'll follow the creative cycle of the moon and use the power of the breath to plant, act, clear out, and receive! 


And while all of these beautiful things are blooming, I'm continuing my gratitude practice publicly for the month of November, so if you don't follow me on instagram or Facebook, here's the round up from Nov 2nd - Nov 12th:

{click on the images to get the written gratitudes! xo}


With a new month upon us, I posted this message over on Instagram + Facebook.... join me there for daily gratitude (or keep your eyes peeled here for weekly re-caps!)... 


For the past two Novembers, I've given myself the quest of posting what I'm grateful for every day for thirty days. Since it's a great outlet for my creativity and I have so many good things in my life to appreciate, I shall once again partake in #30daysofgratitude. 🍁🍂 

Today's Gratitude :: this platform in which we get to "share". For me, sharing is a really important piece for healing and I love that I get to witness and hold space for you, in circles, over coffee, with your pictures, and your captions. Even though I have "an addiction to the scroll" and I'm working on finding balance in my relationship with social media, I enjoy getting little glimpses into your world, hearing your thoughts, sharing in your stories. I see you. I hear you. I'm grateful for you and thank you for seeing me. #day1 #creativityishealing#shareyourstory #alwaysanartist

Thank you for being here, dear readers!  I look forward to sharing with you more all month. xo!

Lessons from Nature :: Change

In the beginning of September, I went on a road trip to Jackson Hole and Yellowstone with my man.  It was such an amazing trip and I took millions of pictures trying to capture the beauty of the land, which really doesn't do it any justice of being there in the moment soaking it all in.  

I mean, take this picture of this gorgeous waterfall, for example: 


You can kind of get the gist of it from this snapshot, but in real life, it was so incredible I almost couldn't believe it was real.  I could've gazed at it all day long!  

One of the days on our trip, we took a bus tour of Yellowstone and it was so fascinating to hear all the details and history of the park.  The forest is literally built to survive forest fires the way one breed of trees' seeds only open up and grow under severe heat (like that of a fire).  When those lodgepole pines grow tall enough and provide enough shade, then the conditions are just perfect for the spruce and firs to grow and mature the forest.  


I learned that things in the park are always changing.  For several years there was a hot spring that looked black in contrast to the other more brilliant ocean blues of the others.  It was named Abyss and the tour guide loved having the contrast to explain to his group the difference between water temperature and other scientific deets.  THEN ONE YEAR, in the spring, when he arrived to this particular part of the tour, the hot spring had changed conditions and therefore the black color and contrast was gone!  


This is very much like our lives, yes?  


For us human beings, change can be hard.  We want to be in control of our environments.  We can be creatures of habit who want to see the things we love stay the same.  

Similar to the species of trees, the animals, and the other natural features on our earth, we are adaptable.  We are resilient.  We are flexible.  We are creative.  And we can handle change.  

We may not like it.  We may not embrace it.  We may welcome it in with open arms!  

Wherever you are in your relationship to change, here are my two cents worth: find the tools and support you need to keep you going through times of change.

I've been experiencing a lot of change in the past couple months myself.  After coming back from our trip, we sold the place we were living, bought a house, packed up all our things, and moved.  I took on taking care of my grandma a couple times a week while also deciding to join on a team of practitioners at a new space.  Though the moments of waking up with anxiety, running on adrenaline, feeling exhausted, and fighting off getting sick, I've needed to consciously make an effort to include those things that make me feel grounded and aligned with my inner self.  Nature, breathwork, coffee dates with friends, long walks outside in the fresh fall air, journaling, hot showers, and SLEEP have been my key essentials in this current time of my life.

So dear ones, while change is inevitable, self-care and our essential tools can be so valuable.  And looking back after we've gone through our transitions, we may find the beauty in the journey, just like we see the changing beauty in nature. 

What are some of the things you lean on?  Share in the comments!