New Moon Love Affair
{Image by @spiritdaughter}
As I am prepping to lead a new moon mediation on Saturday night, I've been reminiscing about my love affair with the moon. While I've always loved seeing a full moon in the night sky growing up, the connection and awareness actually started with the "new" phase, when the moon is invisible to the human eye.
I had just moved to Brooklyn from upstate and I was in the middle of a weird transition. I didn't really know many people in the city nor did I really know what I wanted to do with my life at this particular point in time. Through an acting class, I discovered a monthly new moon circle where we would do guided visualizations, personal inquiry, sharing, and intention setting. And what I found was a great group of big-hearted women and how the practice of checking in with myself each month helped me find myself again. The act of setting time aside each month to get still and quiet, to ask myself questions, to listen to my intuition and heart, and to claim out loud what I would be working on in the following cycle made huge improvements in my life that felt more aligned and more purposeful.
Since then, my personal practice is one that follows ALL of the phases of the moon. It's really important to me to tune in to how her energy and wisdom can inspire the creative life/death/life cycle of my own life. But if I'm honest, the new moon phase has a special place in my heart. And I am so grateful for the moon.
My wish for you on this Scorpio new moon is to embrace your darkness, to explore your shadow, to express your gratitude, to empower your intentions, to enjoy your desires, and to embody your biggest, baddest, badass, beautiful, brilliant, beaming, best self.
{And if you’d like to do some guided new moon inquiry and intention setting, join me this Saturday for breathwork at Sacred Space in NE Mpls as part of their Moon Meditation series.}
Also, shout out to my Soul Sister Meredith Edwards for her Williamsburg Wild Woman Project moon circle that brought be back home to myself. I am so grateful to you woman! xo!