Fighting Monsters and Other Dog Park Musings


I was walking along the shore at the dog park today and I noticed a girl with her adult human and her dog coming in the opposite direction. She was wearing a sweatshirt with the hood up that had either a unicorn horn or dragon scales on it, a yellow eye mask, and carrying a small blue lightsaber toy.

Girl: hiiii!

Me: hello! You look like a superhero.

Girl: I am!!! *throws both arms in the air*

Me: hooray! You look great. What’s your dog’s name?

Girl: Willy. I was tired of fighting monsters so I wanted to come here.

Me: you needed a break from fighting monsters?

Girl: yup!

Me too, superhero, me too! Despite not going to as many places as I used to now that we are staying at home, I often find myself more tired lately and, at the same time, so grateful to have my daily dose of nature. So whether you are fighting monsters, exploring your shadows, befriending parts of yourself, resisting viruses, burning it down to rebuild back up, steering your ships during these choppy waters, here’s your reminder to take a break when you need it. Go to your happy place, chase your joy, ask for help, bask in the sun for a few secs, rest. It’s okay to be tired and it’s okay to take a break!

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All spring, I’ve been fascinated by this enchanting pair of trees at the dog park. I wonder what type of vortex caused it to grow in spirals. And isn’t that kind of what this time is doing to us? Causing us to twist, change, adapt, innovate? Sometimes our journey feels like we are going two steps forwards and one step backwards. But really, there is no back or forward when it comes to our growth. Only upwards on the spiral of our life curriculum. We might feel like we are right back where we were before, but we are actually up a few rungs on the spiral- always carrying with us the lessons from our experience: the pain of our process and the joy of our existence (and everything in between).

May this time (and image) remind you of the twisty spiraly resiliency dance you are capable of making in times of transition, change, and unknown. Like these trees, find ways to stay grounded and rooted. Find ways to stay connected to your community and support networks.

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This past Wednesday was a New Moon AND Earth Day. It was sunny and warm here in MN and the day felt special. While I celebrate Earth Day EVERY day, I wrote a little gratitude list in the evening to honor how nature inspired me that day:

Grateful today for the smell of fresh grass
sunny blue cloud-filled morning sky
snake crossing my path
dog park mornings with my boy
slow changes from winter spring summer
green shoots and fresh buds
birds, bees, squirrels, trees
wise river movement
spider medicine
sun rays, moon beams, star lights
my muscles, bones, tissues
sweat, tears, rain, snow, sleet
breath inhaling and exhaling
heart beating and earth turning

Grateful for the earth, my home
my body, my home

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And I’m grateful to have you here. I hope, if you’re able, that you’ll find some time to be outside this weekend. For me, the trees and the birds’ songs and the sun’s rays have been a balm for my spirit and body this spring.

Healing Hands

If you’re reading this, I’m honored that you felt called to read this note as I know we are all receiving so many emails and opportunities these days. While the creativity is inspiring, the options can feel overwhelming if we don’t have the bandwidth to take in information. So thank you for being here!

(And if you’re not reading this, I trust we’ll connect sometime in the future when the timing is right! :) )

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Early last week, my husband asked if I could give him some reiki and lead him through a meditation. OF COURSE, I said yes, because it’s my favorite way to support people and, frankly, I have missed being able to touch. While I was resting my hands on his chest, I wished I could still offer this way of healing to you.

And also, I had this thought:

YOUR hands are healing hands.

You are actually your own healer. Use your hands!

Now, I do want to say that this doesn’t take the place of getting some training in energy work because there is a code of ethics when it comes to working with other people and their energy (ps: they need to give you permission first!), but just because you aren’t attuned in a particular lineage doesn’t mean you can’t use the natural healing ability you have within you to support yourself.

Touch can be soothing. It can be a way of anchoring us into our bodies during uncertain times of change and transition. A nurturing, trusting, consensual touch can help relax the nervous system and can help us to feel safe. Our bodies can relax and unwind when we experience being held. And you have the ability to give this to yourself.


Here’s one way you can do it: feel your feet on the floor. Take some deep breaths. Feel the crown of your head reaching for the sky and invite in the expansive light from the cosmos to come down through the crown of your head. Bring your focus to your heart. Take some more deep breaths. With your imagination, allow the warmth of your heart to extend down your arms and into your hands. Now place your hands on your heart and feel the warmth and weight of your hands here. When you’re ready, move your hands to other places on your body that could use a little softening or holding. Your forehead, the back of your neck, the curve of your cheek, on your diaphragm right below your ribcage, your hips, your feet, etc!


After I was attuned in Reiki, I’d find myself waking up in the morning with one hand on my heart and one hand on my solar plexus. It has become my favorite way to give myself a little extra love when I need it in the morning.

You can also use this technique to send your plants some love, to infuse your drinking water with intention, or bless the nutrients in your food before you eat. You just need the intention of your focus and the goodness in your heart!

Tomorrow is a FULL MOON, so I hope you find a moment to go outside and gaze at the big brightness in the sky (fingers crossed for no clouds!).

Sending lots of love to you from my warm hands to your warm heart!

March New Moon Check In

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On Tuesday, we had a new moon and sloooooowly it’s becoming more of a crescent in the sky as the days pass by.

While this time feels surreal and I keep riding the waves of feeling super grounded and inspired to feeling stressed and anxious, it’s still new moon time. It’s still the beginning of spring. And with all that’s going on, I’m also aware of the abundance of HUGE creative energy surrounding us. I see how folks are adapting, helping, re-working, connecting, and creating despite all the limitations upon us. People making masks, playing music, donating offerings/healing/time, sharing resources, even the hilarious memes and videos that have me cracking up.

This isn’t to discount how really hard this situation is for a lot of people. To be out of work, away from their loved ones, not being able to have that human touch. AND we get to see what new things and ways of being will come forward.

My gratitude for this new moon time is for the creativity and kindness of humans. For the technology that keeps us connected. For nature that keeps us grounded. And for our big hearts that hope, grieve, dream, and love.

There are a lot of amazing resources out there on the interwebs to help you navigate this time (workouts, meditations, breathwork, group hang-outs, virtual craft dates, etc), so I hope you find some things that support you and keep you feeling connected.

Routines and Basketball

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My man and I split season tickets to games for both the men and women Gopher basketball teams at the U of M and, on Sunday, we enjoyed our last game of this season. Having grown up in a basketball-loving family and being a player myself back in the day, this tradition of cheering on college basketball with my husband has been so much fun.



We tend to arrive at the games early, which gives us time to observe the warm-up routine on the court before tip off. It very meditative how the team would move from stretching, to shooting, to working with a trainer/strength coach, to high-fiving each other. Going through the motions of the routine that helps them get their head and body in the game.

These little pre-game rituals continue throughout the game: cleaning their sneaks before they enter into the game, prep for a free throw, coming out of a time-out.

My favorite is the free throw prep. Most players have some sort of thing they do each time they are at the free throw line before they take the shot: couple dribbles, set the feet, look at the hoop, deep breath, shoot.

It got me thinking about those little routines and rituals WE do during our day to day - those little actions that add a little something extra and something special. Those little things done with intention that are touchstones for the meaning in our lives. That help us get our heads and bodies in the game of our day.

Like, wearing your favorite pair of underwear when you have an important day, morning meditations, sipping a warm beverage of choice at sunrise, kissing your loves goodbye as you leave for the day, that specific song to belt to on your commute or your favorite jams for your workout, what you do when you first arrive home or when you have a big decision to make, lighting a candle before dinner, evening gratitudes and prayers, etc, etc, etc.

What are some of those routines that give you structure and solace? How can you add in more moments of intention to help you feel grounded and supported in your day? Where might you need a little extra anchor over the course of your day?

As I was washing my hands last night, I looked up at my reflection and looking in my own eyes I thought: what if while we wash our hands for twenty seconds, we also take that time to look into our own eyes and tell ourselves how bad ass, brilliant, resilient, and lovable we are? This would be a great opportunity to take a mundane moment (and maybe even fear based task, considering the virus news going around) and turn it into an intentional practice of infusing our day with more love.

We just had a full moon last night, so my full moon wish for you is for you to take sweet care of yourself and that you find those routines and rituals that support your body, mind, spirit, and heart.