Warm Heart Gratitude
fall leaves, cool breeze
warm heart to a Thanksgiving start #gratitude #evermorethanks
With the anticipation growing for the Macy Day Parade naps (a family tradish) and my brother's vegan pumpkin pie (get the recipe he found here - the gluten free crust tis amazingly delish!) as the Thanksgiving holiday approaches, I can feel my heart swell with gratitude for so many things in my life, but especially for my community of support.
I took a giant leap of faith this year. Jumping into the world of entrepreneurship by quitting my day job has been scaring and thrilling. Being public with my writing, my struggles, my triumphs, and my discoveries has been a growing process of being more comfortable sharing my authentic self with the world and taking up more space.
The past two years I have been on an introspective, inwards spiritual journey of discovering more deeply who I am and what I'm about. This growing period can be quite isolating! As I feel myself emerging and unfolding from this cocoon over the last several months, I am realizing the power and grace that comes from connecting with my soul-mates. Attending and leading circles, I have seen intentions manifest, tears shed, dreams come true, and love of self and others abound. Participating in self-healing and self-discovery workshops, I have witnessed, felt, and held a depth and beauty of allowing and being ourselves exactly as we are.
"What seems unbearable in isolation may become tolerable with the support of shared experiences." - Tami Lynn Kent, Wild Feminine
Thank you for being here with me.
Every post you "like" and blog you read is so much appreciated. Wanting to make my life's work be of service to humanity has taught me that I need your light as much as the world needs my light. We are connected. We are one beating heart of the world. Together we can experience the joys and the pains of being human.
"Shared joy is double joy; shared sorrow is half a sorrow." -Swedish Proverb
Evermore thanks for being a part of my journey and I am so honored to be a part of yours.
From my warm heart to yours… xo!