Peace Net: a tribute to Robin Williams & a vision for the world

Since learning of the passing of Robin Williams, I have been struggling to figure out how to express what I am feeling.  While I never knew him personally, I can barely look at social media without feeling great sadness for the loss of such a generous, creative being.

Evermore thanks for sharing your gifts and your life.  You have touched many and will be missed dearly.

Evermore thanks for sharing your gifts and your life.  You have touched many and will be missed dearly.

The beauty in duality of being human is that with the inherent capacity to hold so much joy and light there is also the space to hold equal amounts of sorrow and shadow.  I know all too well how to put on a cheerful, light-hearted face when in reality there is much darkness underneath.  Robin Williams, thank you for reminding me, and reminding many, to reach out before your soul feels like it's too heavy or too hopeless to go on. 


The centering thought for my meditation this morning (I'm participating in Deepak and Oprah's 21-Day Meditation, which you can join here for free) was I am peace….Shanti hum.  I felt called to not only feel this for myself, but to dedicate my practice to Robin and all those who have been touched by the effects of depression.  And, while I meditated, I had a vision of peace.  All of us, everywhere in the world, being connected by our hearts with the strength and calm of peace.  I am peace.  You are peace.  We all are peace.  Connected.  Connected from the center of our peaceful hearts as if we were creating a peace net.  A net that could catch the ones who have lost their grip and just need to be bounced and supported and held in the peace net until they can again find their own light.  A net that is strong and supported by those who can feel that peace for others, knowing that when it's their turn to be caught, it will be there for them in their time of darkness.


So that is my prayer.  My hope.  My vision.  My deepest wish.  That we, the world, create a space of peace that cradles and honors the duality of being human.  Joy.  Light.  Sorrow.  Dark. Peace.