New Moon Time & Why It's Not As "Woo-woo" As It Sounds
I was on a job interview recently, and the lovely woman conducting it, who was holding my resume with much of the information that's listed on my training page, said, "now I just have to ask, what is this Wild Woman thing?"
After explaining that it's a group of women who I gather with every month to center ourselves, journal, and set intentions for the month ahead, she visibly looked relieved that it was such a positive thing.
And I realized that talking about the new moon and wild women circles has some pre-conceived notions attached to it. Dancing around a fire naked, chanting spells, and burning herbs comes to mind. While that sounds fun, that's not actually what I do in moon circles. What happens in a circle is pretty normal. But it IS very powerful, in a good way. Since going to my first circle last summer, transformational change has happened in my life because I took time each month to sit still, listen in to what I truly want in my life, and set baby steps to focus on each month.
THAT'S what we do in circle. We take off the mask we might wear during our day to day. We sit together in unconditional support of exactly where we are and what we are feeling in that moment. We visualize the best and most beautiful versions of ourselves, living from a place that utilizes our full potential for good in the world. And we see and breathe for each other the goals and intentions and wishes and dreams we have for ourselves for the future.
And using the moon as our guide is perfectly natural. The moon shows us the passage of time. Going from new to waxing to full to waning to new again mirrors other life and death cycles in our natural and creative world. It also mirrors the emotional, physical, and hormonal changes women go through each month during our menstrual cycles. And the moon connects to the tides. Magnetically pulling things towards us, we can use this analogy in manifesting in our own lives by setting into motion our desires and attracting positive abundance to us.
Awesome news is that you don't need to be in circle to set new moon intentions! While it's more powerful to do it in communion with others, that shouldn't stop you from empowering yourself to make some great changes. If you are interested, here are some thoughts and prompts to get you started. Grab a journal if you like. Light a candle. Play some soft music. Take some deep breaths. Create a sacred, quiet moment for yourself. You are worth it. It doesn't have to be for long. Two minutes. Ten minutes. A half hour. Whatever feels right for you today.
The new moon is officially today, Monday (8/25), but you can do this any time in the next couple of days.
New Moon Points to Ponder:
*What seeds do I want to consciously plant, with love and focused intention, for this next cycle?
*How can I more deeply rest, restore, and let go right now?
*What can I do in service to my body this month to give it sweet self-care? What is it craving now?
And if you ARE interested in participating in a circle: look for one here. Happy New Moon!!