{New Audio} New Moon Meditation

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Happy New Moon!

If you've been with me for awhile (and many of you have been - thank you!), you know how much I love a new moon.  A time to start fresh, to dream big, to declare desires!  

Even if I'm feeling a little stuck or a little depressed, new moons seem to give me that little bit of extra optimism, energy, and hope to make some changes, to find my gratitude, and to love myself a little more through it all. 

Words of wisdom from my favorite astrologer, @chaninicholas! 

Words of wisdom from my favorite astrologer, @chaninicholas! 

On this day of new intention setting and new beginnings, I'm sending you a free 7 minute breathwork audio recording to use in your daily practice, if this modality resonates for you or you've been wanting to give it a try but haven't.

For my at-home breathwork practice, I like to breathe right away in the morning, whenever I feel my monkey mind getting out of hand, right before I'm about to sit down to work on a creative project, or whenever my emotional cup is feeling very full. 

So I invite you and encourage you to use this whenever you need a little guidance in coming back to yourself.

Here's a little intro video:

An introduction to the free 7 minute breathwork audio recording for your daily breathwork practice. Enjoy and happy new moon!
(And tons of gratitude to my teacher David Elliot for teaching breathwork!)


And here's the breathwork audio: 

If you give it a go, let me know how your journey was!  I'm always here for you so send me your questions or thoughts.  

And if you'd like to go a little deeper, I offer one-on-one sessions in person or long distance as well as monthly groups.  Join me sometime!  

Happy New Moon beauty.  May your body feel vibrant, your thoughts creative, and your spirit free! xo