Put Into Motion: Waxing Moon Musings

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Walking the pup on a couple of late afternoon and early evenings this week, I’ve caught glimpses of the moon in the blue sky and was excited to see that half-sphere look. The moon is in the waxing phase, getting bigger and bigger and brighter and brighter.

For us humans, it’s a great reminder to use momentum and to put in some aligned action towards living a life that feels like ours.

With the full moon happening this weekend, what can you put into motion in the next handful of days? What steps can you take that make your 2020 intentions more of a reality.

Can you schedule that appointment, make that coffee date, set up the limits of screen time on your phone?

Would it feel good to open that journal, crack that cover of the book next to your bed, share your idea with a brainstorming partner, or organize your office?

How about being more protective of your sleep or more aware of where you place your attention and focus during the “down time” of your day?

I also pose these questions with a reminder that they are not meant to guilt or add stress to your life, but to add Life to your life. To add in more sprinkles of what you love into your day to day. In a world where we are already super busy and productivity is seen as more valuable than rest, remember to choose your actions (and REST IS AN ACTION!) with compassion for yourself.

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My action for me this week is to share my upcoming collaboration with a college friend and #bosslady Brett Dorrian Benedict: Book Club + Breathwork! These will be twice monthly gatherings on Tuesday evenings in NE Mpls that pairs books and discussion with breathwork. It’s a great way to gather in community for reflection and blooming together through all the growing pains and delight that comes from doing personal development work and/or building a business/owning your craft.

What I love about this new offering:

  • It’s an invitation to come back to reading books. It’s something I’ve loved since summers growing up when we’d head to the library and, in the age of social media, I’ve gotten away from reading.

  • Come just to Book Club, just to Breathwork, or come to both! Book club is free, so it’s a great way to get some support and to meet some new people.

  • This breathwork is offered on a weeknight! Not everyone can come to a Friday night class or a Sunday workshop (when I usually host events), so this gives you the chance to catch a group during the week if you’ve been wanting to.

  • The books will naturally give us themes to work on, so we’ll take the book material and then breathe with it to get clarity around next steps and to integrate the information that resonates with us into our bodies and our lives.

All the details are on the events on my website and Brett’s picked the list of books for the year, so you can peruse the titles and see what calls to you. And let me know if you have any questions! I’m excited about this new adventure.

Here’s to movement and momentum this cycle that feels fulfilling, aligned, and fun! xo
