Death, Rebirth, and the Full Moon

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Last night we had a full moon in Scorpio and woohoo wasn’t the moon a beaut the last couple nights?! And as you know, I like to send out newsletters a couple times a month around the moon phases, so earlier in the week I pulled a card on what myself and my community needed to hear: Death/Rebirth card reversed! The Death card is ruled by Scorpio, so how apropos.


This card is about transformation.

About endings and beginnings. A reminder that with each death comes rebirth. At the bottom of each exhale is the opportunity for a new inhale. My tarot teacher Lindsay Mack says “In the Death card, nothing dies. Things just change form.” And this is what we are going through right now, yes? Life as we once knew it is changing form.

In the reversal, the Death card is inviting inquiry around where we might be resisting this change.

Where are we feeling fear of change or needing the space to mourn the losses? Where are we attached to the past in a way that doesn’t allow us to see the potential possibilities? Where are we resisting our own transformation? Where are we needed to help change the systems and workings of our country so we are all taken care of?

”After decay, the ground is abundantly fertile.” - Chris-Anne Donnelly

I feel this myself. Recently, I read a post by Portia Richardson who wrote, “I don’t want to go back to the old mode of operation. I don’t know if my body will allow it.” I really feel that! When I pulled a card for myself, I got the 3 of pentacles reversed which feels like it’s asking me to do some reflection on my soul work right now. I know the way I’ve been working and living will need to transform moving forward, but I’m not yet sure what that looks like. I’m open to what that looks like, so I’ll let go of the expectations my mental brain has and be willing to sit in the unknown until clarity shows up.

And so here we are: living breathing moving changing through the uncomfortable unknown of the death rebirth death rebirth cycle. Thankfully we have the natural world around us to show us that it’s a totally normal process!

In case you’re needing support during this time of metamorphosis, I’m holding breathwork for the full moon tonight (Friday 5/8) virtually (with a recording for those who can’t make it live). It’s my favorite tool for times like these, so please join us if you feel called!

In the meantime, my full moon wish for you is time spent going inward to the depths of your heart, to release what’s ready to be let go of, and for the courage to take up space in your new way of being.