Fools Spring + Full Moon in Libra

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I don’t remember where I read this recently, but the thawing of the earth is like crying.

The moisture of the soil loosening up from the winter’s hard freeze. The soft bouncy ground, the squelch of mud underfoot, the sound of rushing water to the street drains past the melting snow ledges leaning into curbs.

It’s a messy time of year. A time of year that requires a surrendering to the in-between. A softening of perfectionism into the practice of being in the moment.

What layers shall I wear today? Can I let my hopes up of warmer, brighter days or is this just fools spring? And isn’t it kinda fun to have the freedom that comes with being the fool? Giving ourselves the permission to make mistakes, change our minds, and try something new without being loyal and devoted to it for the rest of our lives?

What a beautiful (and muddy!) time to be alive for this awakening and unfurling.



The last blog I wrote, I was feeling the deep desire to hibernate, but already this month my body is feeling the subtle changes of the thaw.

You know that feeling when you first wake up and you do a big huge stretch of your limbs and you feel that pull of the tissues from your fingers to your toes? That’s the feeling I’ve been craving lately.

The stretching tight of the body and the yummy release afterwards. The breath of fresh fragrant air after a long cold winter.

I’ve also been feeling the heartache of the gun violence and death and hardships and the grieving and the messiness of being a human. Of being a human living in a pandemic for over a year.



My little pack added four more muddy paws to our family and with it the joyful, playful hope (and exhaustion!) that comes with puppy love. It’s doing my heart extra good right now.

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This weekend it’s a full moon in Libra - an opportunity to feel all the fullness. Libra’s symbol is the scales of justice and I can’t help but also think of the equinox we had just a weekend ago: the day where the amount of daylight is the same as the darkness. The balance between shadow and bright.

My wish for you this Libra Full Moon Spring Equinox weekend is to allow space for both sides of the coin. To honor the sadness while finding the joy. For feeling your rage while also feeling your softness. To acknowledge the heartache and embrace the hope. Rather than either or, can it be yes and … to find balance in the chaos.

{In my case, I’m holding space for feeling tired (4 am potty outside) and the reason I’m tired (puppy Hazel!)…. :) }

Happy first spring full moon friend!