Shedding Skin & How My Dream Helped Process Grief

How are you holding up out there in this wild, chaotic, overwhelming world?

It’s been since July of 2024 since I’ve written a blog post about my current musings and I’ve missed popping in your inbox from time to time.

(most of my blog drafts start out that way… “it’s been awhile since I’ve written…
so I haven’t forgotten about you, my beloved email list! Hitting SEND more often this year is something I’m striving for)

But how are you really? How’s your heart? What’s on your mind? How does your body feel?

For me, I’m doing fairly well when I don’t get caught up in the doomscroll of the socials. I find I’m just trying to ride the waves of hope and despair* as I witness what’s happening in the world. 

(*From the words of one of my favorite poets Lyndsay Rush: There is nothing and everything to do / so when the world offers me the choice between hope and despair / I take one in each hand / and let go of what’s heavy. This whole Maggie Smith Said We Could Make This Place Beautiful poem is worth the read.)



Currently (and finally!), I’m stepping away from a job and income source that hasn’t been a fit for a good while. It’s the Year of the Snake so it feels like an appropriate time for this ending/beginning and I’ve been wondering what it feels like for a snake to shed its skin.

Is it as uncomfortable as I feel to be in the messy middle of transition and change??

On one hand, it feels exciting and freeing. On the other hand, it’s hard to leave a place that feels familiar and end working relationships that I really loved.



The other day I was driving home from my workout and I put on Defying Gravity from the Wicked Movie (theatre nerd alert!). As I was belting out some of the lyrics and getting emotional, I realized, “Oh. Under my anger is grief.” 

🎶Something has changed within me
Something is not the same
I'm through with playing by the rules of someone else's game
Too late for second-guessing
Too late to go back to sleep
It's time to trust my instincts, close my eyes and leap 🎶

Feeling grief for not only how things have turned out and how things could’ve been, but for all the hard things in life that are happening right now.



A couple nights later in the too-early-to-get-up wee hours of the morning, I had a dream about my dad. For those of you who are newer to my newsletter, my dad passed away from cancer when I was twelve.

In my dream, it was the last few days of my dad’s life but rather than being twelve, I was my adult self. It was so vivid that it woke me from sleep and I could literally feel the deep grief well up in my body and release through my tears, grateful to have one of my pups in bed to snuggle.

Feeling grief for not only how things have turned out and how things could’ve been, but for all the hard things in life that are happening right now.

Dreams (or visions in breathwork) like this have happened to me before where I get to process my trauma and loss as an adult and wow, what a powerful experience to have the subconscious (or other states of consciousness like in breathwork) help me with my healing.

It was as if a part of me knew that I needed that little pressure release valve to let out all the heavy and only in the softness of dreamland would I let my armor down for a moment.



My wish for you on this full moon is to find the spaces and places that let you process all that you are carrying so you can let go of what’s heavy. For you to find your joy and play. For the support you need for your body, mind, heart as you shed any old skins. 


-Is there anything in my life that feels like it’s run its course and needs to change? (Habits, thought patterns, relationships, projects, etc?) 

-Where am I ready to shed? 

-With the full moon, what feels full and good in my life?

-In what ways does my body, mind, heart need nourishment? 

SONG FOR SHEDDING SKIN: Metamorphosis by MILCK on Spotify
Metamorphosis by MILCK Official Audio YouTube version