New Years Wish
I was trying to repurpose a blog post I had written before Christmas and I had it beautifully edited and ready for posting yesterday when my safari window closed unexpectedly, bringing to light my huge mistake. I FORGOT TO SAVE! (That is a lesson I have now learned the hard way!) So all of my writing disappeared into the ethers and I flung myself dramatically off of my chair while I bitched and moaned over my loss. After I finished my temper tantrum, I realized that, with a little mindset shift, I had actually received a gift. The gift of a fresh start. Much like the coming new year.
As a woman who loves setting intentions each month (and most of the time, I set MULTIPLE intentions each month), the new year is a great opportunity to harness the momentum of energy that a fresh slate brings to really set some hard core intentions. And as a health coach, I value setting actionable, doable, simple steps to create change.
But I have to admit, the last couple days I've been feeling a bit overwhelmed and restless with the thought that 2015 is almost here and my intentions are not ready or clear. I received a BEAUTIFUL new planner from a goddess sister-friend for my birthday and I had not yet written in it and was considering starting in pencil so I could easily erase if need be. Wha??!! Where is this overwhelm and anxiety coming from?? There seems to be a lot of pressure and built-up expectations around this time of year and the perfectionist in me has been wary of starting the year off on the "wrong" foot, so to speak. And at the same time, my free spirit has been wary of setting anything too concretely! Oh the dilemma!
Desire 2015 Planner by my favorite High-Priestess of Practicality, Danielle LaPorte… get it here!
Thankfully, my man gave me a gentle reminder that, really, it's just another month. No biggie! With a deep sigh, I moved from my worrisome mind and into my intuitive body. And after expressing my concerns and conundrum to my mom, she told me of a simple resolution she saw somewhere on the interwebs: "To love myself more."
Yes! This I can do! When taking action steps in the next year (or just focusing on the next month), running it through the filter of whether my choices are coming from a place of love for myself and my body helps bring some clarity and intention. Does this hold space for me? Does it respect me? Does it value me? In loving myself more, I have more room for spreading love to others too, so that I may hold space for, respect, and value the people around me. Beautiful!
I also read an article this morning written by fitness and nutrition expert Dr. John Berardi which really resonated with me. He talked about how most well intentioned health and fitness new years resolutions fail because they don't necessarily take into account "real life" with all the responsibilities and unexpected surprises that come with it. Fitness goals made OUTSIDE of the context of life won't last long. He says: "Every single person I've seen achieve health and fitness in the long run accomplishes it by simply showing up every day, not by trying to 'get it right'. In the end, I have no clue what real life will bring us in 2015. But we're committed to doing the best we can, when we can, with whatever we've got. Day in and day out."
I love this perspective. Showing up. Just as we are. Every day. Every moment. And doing the best we can. Because, ultimately, we already are enough.
My wish for you this new year is a whole lot of love and presence in the beautiful moment. A year full of soulful moments, clear intentions, and healthy healing for a vibrant, alive life. Thank you for being a part of my 2014 and I look forward to our journey into the adventure the next year holds.
Love and light!