Lead With Your Heart


Behind the studio space I use for one-on-on sessions at Stockheart is a movement studio called Embody Minneapolis.  In a beautiful space with garage windows and various pieces of intriguing equipment, Gyrotonics and Gyrokinesis classes and sessions are taught.  Last week, I did a private session with owner Susan Gaines to get a taste of what it's all about.

The technique has a pilates-esque feel to it as the use of machines help you with the movement and exercises, but the gyrotonic technique is all about curving, arching, and spiraling the spine with the mission to create space between your vertebra and the joints in your back, neck, shoulders, and arms.  For a society that often spends a lot of time hunched over computers, I felt AMAZINGLY open and stretched and upright afterwards... like I had grown at least 2 inches since I walked in the room!

{Image from @embodympls}

{Image from @embodympls}

The reason I'm sharing this particular story is because while I was working with Susan on some of the machines, a cue she would often use was: "lead with your heart".  

Meaning, open up your chest, pull your shoulders down and back, lift with the sternum.  That's a pretty great message to hear over and over... lead with the heart, lead with the heart.  After hearing this phrase multiple times and focusing on this movement with my chest and spine, it got me reflecting (bear with me here, as this is a longer post than usual). 

When I first began my journey into energy and the chakras, the one I connected with first was the heart.  A friend from college had taken this brilliant acting class in NYC called Lucid Body that taught you how to use the energy of your chakra system to create character and story.  When my friend returned from the city, she made a copy of the heart chakra chapter of the book and gave it to me, insisting that I needed to read it.  I'm so grateful she did, because it resonated with me so strongly that I began to research and study the heart chakra and then all the other chakras over the next several years of my life. 

Flash forward to living in NYC myself, I became a student of the Lucid Body method of acting and in one particular class series, I told the teacher and founder Fay Simpson through teary eyes that I was devoting the next several weeks of class to doing the "heart work" I needed in order the next layer of my heart that needed to heal.  

Heart work.

Not homework, but heart-work.  That's what I'm here to do this life!

And after taking a Gyrotonics movement class, I was reminded again and still amazed by all the ways and opportunities that come about to help assist us in the work we are meant to do this life. 


So if you are here to do heart-work in this life (many of my clients are!) or you find the best way to travel through life is leading (and listening) to your heart, you have a variety of gentle tools to help support you: 

Heart work can be done with an acting technique.  Or explored in a workshop.  It can be assisted by heart opener poses in yoga.  It can be worked on by writing poetry or creating works of art.  Or by seeing a therapist.  It can be done by doing breathwork or any other multitudes of healing modalities like Reiki, Esoteric, Healing Touch, massage, acupuncture.  It can be touched by meditation or grieving or creating sacred ceremonies to honor where you are and what you're hearts been through.  It can be done around a table of your closest pals chatting the night away. 

And heart work can be done in an exercise class. 

How amazing is that?! 

Happy Full Moon Big-Hearts!  My wish for you this cycle is that you lead with your heart.  That you find the ways to support your work, your heart, and your healing that makes you feel valued, vibrant, and empowered. xo!

For the Tender Hearts

Last week on Valentine's Day, I was reminded of this poem I had written on Feb 14th back in 2015 after I had attended a group breathwork workshop.  Even though this is three years old, it still feels relevant and is a great depiction of how I feel about living in the world with a sensitive, empathic, tender heart.  

So I'm bringing it back as my love letter to you.  

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"Lying on my back
In the dark, soft candle-lit space
Sandwiched between two yoga blankets
Held in support by the others lying in the room with me
Guided by a heart-centered healer
I breathed

First into the belly
The second chakra
The place where emotions and relationships and lost, almost forgotten, memories are held

Then second into the heart
Center of love
Center of compassion
Center of light

And then lastly out my mouth
Let go
Returned to the Earth and to Source
To be re-used, transformed, healed

Belly, heart, open mouth
Again and again
Over and over
Through the awkward stage of dry mouth in the beginning breaths
And through anxiety that's telling me it's impossible to breathe this fast
this deep
for this long

But as I relaxed my body
And surrendered to the moment
Surrendered to the breath
Surrendered to the feelings in my body wanting to bubble out
Surrendered to Mama Earth who was rising to meet and support my back
The movement of energy began to flow

First in waves of anger
Long time held
Ancient anger
Coming out in a yell that had been suppressed for years

Then sadness, sorrow, grief
Rising up from my legs, torso, chest
Emerging from my breath in sobs, wails, tears

And with surprise
Hysterical bouts of giggles, belly laughs, joyful chuckles
Released freely, loudly, openly
As if to remind me
"Healing ain't got to be soooo serious!"

Back to the breath
Belly, heart, mouth
Hearing the person next to me
Holding the rhythm, the beat
While I take a moment to express
Before returning back to the breath
Belly, heart, mouth
Belly, heart, mouth
Belly, heart, mouth

And as the energy moved through my body
Touching on places of pain and joy
Blocks and openness
I came to a resting place in my heart
My tender heart
My deep and passionate feeling heart
The heart I protect
The heart I give from
The heart that holds so much

And in this space of primal, raw, humanness
I realized how hard life can be when you have a tender heart
When you feel all the feels
(Or avoid feeling all the feels)
And how important it is for us
To honor and hold and express
In order to not harden our tender hearts
Or hide them away from this hard
Beautiful, messy, difficult life
We need self care, soul care
Self love, soul love
And permission and sacred space
To go deep
Or just be
Present with our tender hearts
In connected solitude
Community and tribe."


Breathwork is my medicine for my tender heart (along with nature, my puppy, being truly seen by my loved ones, and connecting with Spirit). But it's not for everyone.

My #wednesdaywish for you is that you find the medicine that is a perfect match for your big, beautiful, brave heart. 


Join me this Friday for breathwork if you're a fan or if you've never tried it before. I also do private sessions if the Friday night group times don't work for you.  Everyone is welcome - no experience necessary! xo!

Feel the Love

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The last couple of years, I've declared February the MONTH of LOVE. And while love is always in style and love is the place I like to live from on every day of every month, I like having the whole month as a reminder to look for love, to spread love, to feel and receive love, and to BE LOVE.  

Because, ultimately, I believe at the core of our essence, we are Love.  

It's easy to forget this sometimes.  With all the distractions, challenges, and illusions we face in a day, we can get pulled away from who we truly are.  But even in the hustle and bustle of daily life and in the midst of this raw and very human experience, we are at the core golden.


This weekend, my healing practice is celebrating the fact that we are love (and that I have so much love to give!) with the theme FEEL THE LOVE.  I have several special offerings and I'd love to have you join me if you feel called! 

Friday 2/9 :: 7:30pm-9:30pm
at Center for Performing Arts, MPLS
$25 pre-ref/$30 day off OR $30 for two when you bring a loved one! 
*Infuse your body, mind, and spirit with love using the power of your heart and your breath. 
Deets and to pre-register: click here

Saturday 2/10 :: 2pm-5pm
at Stockheart Whole Health
*Join me and my colleagues for free demos, snacks, raffles for free sessions, and discounts on sessions booked that day. Chocolate and wine provided so you can #treatyoself
Location and parking info here. 

Sunday 2/11 :: appts btwn noon-4pm
30 minutes for $30
*Give yourself or your sweetie the gift of relaxation, rebooting, and rejuvenation.
To schedule: https://helenburon.as.me/ 

So I don't leave out my long distance loves from this special weekend of events, any long distance healing session purchased from now until Valentine's Day will be 20% off with my newsletter coupon code: BELOVE.
Book your breathwork or esoteric healing session for some extra self-love here! 


Thank you for being here with me: doing this life with love and courage and tenderness.  I wouldn't have it any other way. xo! 

Winter Welcome

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Welcome to the New Year!

There's something about the energy of the new year that I just love.  New beginnings are kind of my favorite thing.  That's one reason why I love new moons, birthdays, the first of the month, Mondays, and the inhale of each breath.  It's an opportunity to start fresh.  Begin again.  

Change, adapt, revamp, re-dedicate, renew, transform.  

While I believe we can START something whenever we want, at any time, it is fun to utilize the energy of a new year as motivation.  To ride the wave of anticipation, planning, and intention setting. 

While you are making your resolutions, intentions, or just following your desire to feel better, for those living in the Northern Hemisphere, this is also just a reminder that with the Winter Solstice on December 21st, we've entered into the WINTER SEASON.  

Winter is the perfect time for DREAMING.  

For planning and planting the seeds you wish to bloom and nurture in the spring.  This energy from the start of 2018 is really a perfect match for this dreaming part of the season. 

Winter is also about RESTING.  

As the trees and the earth have gone dormant, bears are hibernating, and other animals stay cozy in their nests and burrows, so too are our bodies ready to hibernate.  It's the time to eat hearty and warm soups, stews, broths, and roasted foods.  It's the time to support our immune systems with vitamin d supplements, teas, sleep, and warmth.  It's the time for getting quiet and reflecting and resting.

My gentle reminder to you is this: 

As you feel the resolve to cut out sugar, get back on the exercise bandwagon, jumpstart your yoga practice, plan to meditate daily, or make progress in your career (or do nothing different at all - that's okay too!), remember that it is also completely valid to rest and slow down.  Listen to your body and give it the care it needs so you can accomplish all of your desires and needs. 

Let me know one thing you're excited to get started on in this new year and one way you will rest this winter!

Happy Winter-ing!


Resources for Supporting Your Intentions: