My Favorite Day of the Year

It’s my birthday!

Today is my favorite day of the year. There’s something about feeling alive and grateful for how far I’ve traveled that makes birthdays just feel so special to me. I’m more acutely aware of my body, the world around me, my breath, my joyful heart, and being in a celebratory and magical state of mind on this day. What a gift it is to be alive on this beautiful planet!


In honor of my birthday, I’m having my annual birthday sale on healing sessions! I’m turning 33 today, so to celebrate I’m offering 33% off single sessions, my package of 3 sessions*, and couples breathwork.


All of these sessions are already discounted on my website from now until Sunday, so you can purchase and schedule at a later date or give the sessions as a gift certificate for the holidays (which I can mail to you or email a PDF version). And of course you can book your session right away if it’s a gift for yourself and you want to get in before the end of the year!

To purchase for a later date or as a gift for someone else:

To purchase and schedule right away (use coupon code: BDAYSALE):

I love the opportunity to offer this around my birthday, because the healing arts have changed my life for the better and it’s important to me to make this work approachable to as many people as possible. Thank you for supporting me and my healing practice this past year and for sharing my work with your loved ones. It’s one of my favorite things in this life. 💖

I’m looking forward to doing a whole lot more creating, healing, feeling, breathing, celebrating in the next year of my life. And I’m excited to have you along for the journey!

*The package of 3 sessions can be split up and used by 3 different people or all 3 for yourself!

New Moon Love Affair

{Image by @spiritdaughter}

{Image by @spiritdaughter}

As I am prepping to lead a new moon mediation on Saturday night, I've been reminiscing about my love affair with the moon. While I've always loved seeing a full moon in the night sky growing up, the connection and awareness actually started with the "new" phase, when the moon is invisible to the human eye.


I had just moved to Brooklyn from upstate and I was in the middle of a weird transition. I didn't really know many people in the city nor did I really know what I wanted to do with my life at this particular point in time. Through an acting class, I discovered a monthly new moon circle where we would do guided visualizations, personal inquiry, sharing, and intention setting. And what I found was a great group of big-hearted women and how the practice of checking in with myself each month helped me find myself again. The act of setting time aside each month to get still and quiet, to ask myself questions, to listen to my intuition and heart, and to claim out loud what I would be working on in the following cycle made huge improvements in my life that felt more aligned and more purposeful.


Since then, my personal practice is one that follows ALL of the phases of the moon. It's really important to me to tune in to how her energy and wisdom can inspire the creative life/death/life cycle of my own life. But if I'm honest, the new moon phase has a special place in my heart. And I am so grateful for the moon.


My wish for you on this Scorpio new moon is to embrace your darkness, to explore your shadow, to express your gratitude, to empower your intentions, to enjoy your desires, and to embody your biggest, baddest, badass, beautiful, brilliant, beaming, best self.

{And if you’d like to do some guided new moon inquiry and intention setting, join me this Saturday for breathwork at Sacred Space in NE Mpls as part of their Moon Meditation series.}

Also, shout out to my Soul Sister Meredith Edwards for her Williamsburg Wild Woman Project moon circle that brought be back home to myself. I am so grateful to you woman! xo!

Own Your Magic

It’s been awhile since I’ve written a love note here with my musings and I think that’s due to the fact that I was seriously savoring summer, which ended up just blending right into savoring fall!

As many Minnesotans can attest to, when the weather is nice, you gots to just be outside as much as possible before subzero temperatures return to the frozen tundra of the midwest. So, the past several months, I’ve been focused on being outside, connecting to nature, and as evidence by my instagram feed, posting as many nature pictures as I can.

The funny part is that I do most of my best writing when I’m outside walking the trails and taking in the beautiful surroundings. I’ve written you millions of blogs in my mind over the past several months, but they never quite got to the electronic version of this here online journal. Perhaps that will be a project for winter, when I’d rather be cozy indoors on the couch with my warm beverage and wooly socks.


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In my breathwork circle on Friday, I shared that I had recently watched The Greatest Showman for the second time with my man. While the songs are still stuck playing in my head today, the colorful imagery and fantastical messages are stuck playing in my heart.


We may not have horns coming out of our head or a beard on our face, but we may have talents, fetishes, gifts, strengths, or quirks that are "out of the box" and don't fit with the labels society gives us. They might be considered odd or strange. Our dreams might be considered "out there". Our ideas too weird, too big, too loud, or too impossible. Our expression and energy too much.


I get a little misty eyed thinking of how much colorful, mystical, fantastical, unbelievable, amazing, creative magic is hidden away inside of us because we might be afraid to shine, to be great, to be seen. To maybe fail. But to also maybe succeed in ways we ever knew we could until we try. 


My wish is for us, (on this Halloween day and every day in between) as we wind our way to the end of this year, to own our magic. Follow our muse. Embrace our "too much". To give some love to the parts of ourselves we've hidden away. Because as Hugh Jackman would sing, "Cause everything you want is right [inside] of you." 

Complacency and Change


Last year during the solar eclipse in August, I set some intentions around my healing practice and career choices.  Now that the year is almost complete and we have another August eclipse (and new moon!) on Saturday the 11th, I can feel that there's some change in the air for me. 

I've been doing some of the same things for a long time, in terms of my healing practice but also with some of my daily routines and habits.  It's time to mix things up and put some of the creative things out front and center that have been on the back burner for a long time out.  If you've been around with me for awhile, you know that I believe it's important to have regular check-ins and time for contemplation about what's working and what isn't.  As I've started to tune in to see where there's been growth and where I feel stagnant, I realized I have the habit of putting my own projects last, if I can squeeze in the time.  The creativity muse has been giving me great ideas, but I haven't fully honored that muse and taken the next steps.  So it's time to make some changes! 

With change though comes a little bit of fear and doubt.  Complacency can be a really comfortable place!  Why leave what feels familiar?  I know I've allowed myself to stay in a number of different places and spaces out of complacency even though I was well past the "overdue date" and well aware of it!

(Image: @precisionnutrition) 

(Image: @precisionnutrition) 

Thankfully there are a multitude of tools you can use to help you through those growing pains and transitions.  For me, breathwork is one of those tools that helps me the most because it gets me out of my thinking, worrying mind and into the truth of my body and spirit. 


In honor of the coming new moon, I encourage you to take time over the next couple of days and ask yourself some questions:  
What is working for you right now?
How are your boundaries, routines, self-care rituals?
Where do you feel stuck or stagnant or burdened?
Is there an area you are ready to make some changes and how can you support yourself through those? 

And let's acknowledge that we don't have to make a huge overhaul of our lives all at once.  It's just one step at a time, one small aligned action at a time.  But the key is action.  Giving yourself that little push into momentum. What can you do right now today that tells yourself and the universe that you are making waves and space for something different? 

Sending you lots of love and support as we travel through this new moon solar eclipse! Blaze on beauties!