Full Moon June Bloom

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This morning, with my cup of hot coffee and my puppy snuggled on the couch, I read my *Many Moons* workbook about today's full moon energy.  Author Sarah Faith Gottesdiener wrote: 

"...a June Full Moon is optimal for magic around expansion, creativity, and pollination.  Hives are buzzing, flowers are being fertilized, the air is sweet with the scent of life. ... A wonderful use of a June Full Moon - any Full Moon - is celebration and appreciation of life.  June carries a feeling of joy, liberation, resistance, and reinvention.  A Full Moon is a wonderful opportunity to take pause and relax into where you are right now." 

This resonated for me in many ways. 

Last summer at this time, my man and I were in the midst of doing a "home change".  We had decided it was time to move from where we were living, so all the work that goes into purging, cleaning, fixing, searching, intention-setting, showing, selling, and purchasing a new home-base went into effect.  From last June to the end of September, our time and energy was consumed with this quest.  We consider that time period "The Lost Summer".  

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Fast forward to this summer, we are experiencing this season in our new house for the first time and we have declared this as "The Savor Summer".  We are enjoying the little things, like watching what plants pop up in our yard, grilling on our patio, and putting our feet in the grass.  We are going for walks, playing golf (mostly Steve), eating all the summer fruit (mostly me), and swimming in ponds after chasing squirrels (mostly Moon). 

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I share this with you, on this glorious full moon in June, in order to inspire some savoring of your own.  What is it about summer you love most?  Can you incorporate some of that into your days?  What are you feeling grateful for in your life?  Where would you like to live bigger, freer, more abundantly?  How can you add some creativity to your daily routine? 

Can you allow the sweetness of a juicy peach to run down your chin?  How about picking some wild flowers and making a crown or a bouquet for your office?  What fiction novels can you get lost in or outside outings to adventure through? 

As we scroll through our social media feeds and listen to the news, we can see (and maybe even feel) the chaos and pain the world is going through.  We have families being separated, black boys being killed, volcanoes erupting, plastics in our oceans, loved ones who are sick, and a plethora of other unsettling and distressing things.  Like Sarah said in the quote above, let's use the "liberation" and "resistance" energy of this time and of this moon to make changes and to take action for humanity and for the planet, whether that's by calling our politicians, donating our money, investing in re-usable straws and bags, or cooking a hot meal to share, etc.  

AND!  Let's also chase our joy.  Let's take in all that this season has to offer.  Let's savor being alive.  

We can do both.  We need to do both.  

Happy Full Moon - blaze on, Moon Beam!  You've got summer savoring to do! 

{New Audio} New Moon Meditation

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Happy New Moon!

If you've been with me for awhile (and many of you have been - thank you!), you know how much I love a new moon.  A time to start fresh, to dream big, to declare desires!  

Even if I'm feeling a little stuck or a little depressed, new moons seem to give me that little bit of extra optimism, energy, and hope to make some changes, to find my gratitude, and to love myself a little more through it all. 

Words of wisdom from my favorite astrologer, @chaninicholas! 

Words of wisdom from my favorite astrologer, @chaninicholas! 

On this day of new intention setting and new beginnings, I'm sending you a free 7 minute breathwork audio recording to use in your daily practice, if this modality resonates for you or you've been wanting to give it a try but haven't.

For my at-home breathwork practice, I like to breathe right away in the morning, whenever I feel my monkey mind getting out of hand, right before I'm about to sit down to work on a creative project, or whenever my emotional cup is feeling very full. 

So I invite you and encourage you to use this whenever you need a little guidance in coming back to yourself.

Here's a little intro video:

An introduction to the free 7 minute breathwork audio recording for your daily breathwork practice. Enjoy and happy new moon!
(And tons of gratitude to my teacher David Elliot for teaching breathwork!)


And here's the breathwork audio: 

If you give it a go, let me know how your journey was!  I'm always here for you so send me your questions or thoughts.  

And if you'd like to go a little deeper, I offer one-on-one sessions in person or long distance as well as monthly groups.  Join me sometime!  

Happy New Moon beauty.  May your body feel vibrant, your thoughts creative, and your spirit free! xo

Lead With Your Heart :: Part II

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Happy Full Moon!!  

Like I said to my breathwork circle on Friday, I love using the cycles of the moon to remind myself to do a little check in.  The moon cycle is like a little mini year contained in each month.  It's a creative cycle every 28 days.  It's easy to get caught up in the hamster wheel of daily life so the moon is a great reminder to slow down and go inward on a more regular basis.  Rather than waiting for a new year or a new month or our birthday to do a little review, we get to reflect on what's working, where are we out of balance, WHAT DOES OUR HEART NEED, every month (and actually every day with every breath).  

Back in March, I wrote about an exercise class that reminded me to "lead with my heart" (you can re-read that post here if you missed it!).  Today, as we have arrived into the new spring season, I'd like to discuss how, sometimes, leading with your heart is hard to do!


Leading from the heart requires first LISTENING to the heart.


Sometimes your heart can be really loud and clear. Almost bossy even (all with love!). Many times your heart will speak to you softly, with little nudges, a tiny voice, or a pull of an emotion. 

And you have a beautiful and brilliant mind that likes to have a lot of air time when it comes to making decisions in your life.

All with the goal of keeping you safe, which is really important (thank you Mind!), your brain will plan, strategize, write a long list of pros and cons, throw in a healthy (and sometimes unhealthy) dose of worry, think about what is rational, logical, smart. That can be a lot of noise that definitely has tons of value AND can drown out the other part of the equation of making decisions that feel true and authentic and for the highest good of all involved.

And that's your own internal wisdom, intuition, and what FEELS best. 

And those answers come, most often, from your heart. 


So here are my tips for getting to the heart of the matter (see what I did there..?!):


1) Get physical.
Literally! MOVE your body to get IN your body. Do whatever movement you like that gets you OUT of your mind and powerfully present in your body. Here are some ideas:

  • Lift weights
  • Go for a run
  • Walk or hike vigorously 
  • Go through a few yoga flow sequences
  • Self-pleasure yourself
  • Dance to your favorite song
  • Shake out each part of your body (a la the hokey pokey from our youth)
  • Stretch
  • Do some bodyweight exercises: jumping jacks, running in place, squats, planks
  • A few minutes of breathwork
  • If you're in a public place (like your desk at work or in a grocery store) tap on your sternum, take some deep breaths, and feel your feet on the floor.

2) Then get quiet.
Close your eyes if you can, place a hand or two on your heart. Listen. 

Sometimes the answer doesn't come right away and that's okay. Trust that it will and begin to pay conscious attention to the little synchronicities that show up, the intuitive hits you get, the opportunities that are presented to you, and HOW THINGS MAKE YOU FEEL. 

3) Act.
When you've heard your heart, acknowledge it! Send gratitude, act in the guidance, give yourself some love. The more you value your inner heart's wisdom, the more clearly you'll begin to hear it and the stronger it will feel. Trust is sometimes like a muscle we have to work at and build up. Help you and your heart trust each other. 


Now over to you! What is your favorite activity to help you get out of your head and into your body? How does your heart like to communicate with you? I'd love to hear! 


Shameless plug: the nature of all my healing sessions is to help you feel into your own inner guidance by clearing out all the distractions and connecting you to your essence. If you need a little extra support with listening to your heart, I'd be happy to hold that space for you. xo! 


{New Video} Spring Intentions

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Happy first new moon of SPRING from snowy Minnesota!

My body and spirit were so excited for the first new moon of spring last month that I planned to host two events this weekend, both of which ended up getting either cancelled (breathwork) or postponed (vision boarding!) because of how much snow and ice we got in this spring blizzard.

It's been a funny contrast to see pictures of the blossoms, outdoor grilling, and trips to the beach from other friends and family in different parts of the country!  Please send some of that warmth here! 

I've been wanting to record a breathwork video for you to have for your practice in the comfort of your own home and I guess Mother Nature decided to give me the perfect opportunity to do so: being stuck indoors with the prep work for circle already done!  

My gift to you this spring is a recording of a breathwork session, as a thank you for being here in my community and for being a valued member of my newsletter list.

I recorded this for you yesterday in the midst of the flurries and wind and plows, so that it can arrive to you today, in time for the new moon.  New moon energy last a few days and you can do this breathwork session whenever you need some new fresh start energy. 

As with anything new, there's some things to tweak and adjust in the making and creating of recordings for you, but I'm so grateful for the ability to hold space to be with you virtually, even if I'm still getting my bearings with new technology.  I put a lot of positive, healing energy and love into this so I hope you can feel it through the interwebs! 

Happy New Moon!  Happy Spring!  And here's to all the magical seeds you are planting in the rich soil of your life.  Love you! xo