A Summer Serenade
Welcome summer season!
Summer arrived with the new moon on Saturday June 20th and I celebrated by being up north with my family. It was a much needed get-away and time spent in the gorgeous beauty of nature. I feel much more refreshed, focused, and grounded.
And I’m ready to get to summering.
Summering for me is a verb that encompasses playing, savoring, celebrating, enjoying, and the all around merriment that comes from sunshine, longer days, fresh fruits and vegetables, fireflies and butterflies, bright flowers, and sticking my feet in the grass.
In one of my favorite books, The Way of the Happy Woman, the author shares that summer is the element of fire, the heart and small intestine organs, the full moon cycle, and the focus is CELEBRATE ALL THAT IS LUSH, FULL, AND FLOURISHING IN YOUR LIFE.
While we are still living during a pandemic and we are still doing our anti-racist work every day and we are still working on the next layer of healing for ourselves, we can also curate our joy, pleasure, rest. Allowing ourselves these things will help us to keep showing up and summer is a ripe time for tending to our joyful hearts.
So my wish for you this summer season… my summer serenade if you will… is to find pockets of pleasure, moments in movement, nourishment from nature, and belonging to your body.
I’ll leave you with this snippet from Earth Speak’s podcast Episode 12 with Natalie Ross, which reminded me of how amazing our bodies are and how connected to the earth we are - enjoy:
“….I want to remind you that you are nature and your body is the earth. Literally your body is the soil grown into food that you’ve eaten and assimilated to create your form. Your body is the water of the earth. Your body is the air you breathe in every moment. Your body breaks down and digests and creates energy that was stored in plants that they received from the sun. You are the literal representation and embodiment of the elements and of the earth and of the sun. You are nature.
And that’s part of why body awareness is so big. Body awareness is such a powerful place to begin your intuitive journey because your body already knows and speaks the language of Nature. It has its own intelligence. I mean, do you sit there and conduct every little digestion and breakdown of every particle of food? Do you mentally sit there and conduct like a conductor of an orchestra every intake and outtake of your inhale and exhale of your breath? Are you sitting there conducting how your blood flows through your veins? No, these are all just your body’s intelligence and your body’s own knowledge and awareness of how to be a living body, in earth, in nature. And it’s not just a physical thing that your body knows, your body has the ability to sense energies. And you have an amazing whole lineage of thousands and thousands and thousands of generations worth of emotional evolution and intuitive evolution that you can draw upon that lives in your body…”