Do What Makes Us Feel Alive
I needed to run some errands last week and I realized I was feeling impatient about it because I noticed being huffy with hitting all the red lights. So I turned on some singable tunes and rolled my windows down (my favorite things to do in the summer!) and took some breaths to remind myself I didn’t need to be in a rush.
I ended up being in my old college stomping grounds, so (since I wasn’t in a rush!) I grabbed a bubble tea from a favorite college hangout and drove through my favorite St Paul streets on my way to the freeway. I was reminded of the days when I would head to the chapel steps on campus on a gorgeous evening with a big black sketchbook meant for lyrical musings and I’d watch the sun set over the Dew Drop pond while writing my reflections about life, purpose, my heart, and what is it all for anyway. This was the time before Instagram and when cell phones were for texting and calling and didn’t have so many distracting apps for scrolling.
And as I remembered this time of my life while pulling off the freeway, I witnessed the glowing sun perfectly setting over a body of water in a gasp-inducing moment and I felt so alive.
On Monday of that week (the beginning of beautiful June!), I shared a piece of art in my Instagram stories that said, “this week I will do what makes me feel alive” and without intentionally doing it, I ended up doing exactly that.
And my wish for us this new moon, this week, this summer, this season, this cycle, this year is that we do what makes us feel alive.
Maybe it’s Instagram or Facebook-worthy (and I’m excited to share in the experience with you as a witness if you do post about it) and maybe it’s those little things, like driving with the windows down, singing to belt-worthy songs, and reflecting on this brutiful life as the sun goes down.
Artist: @newhappyco